Our Goal
Equal Representation - The 7th State:
CHALLENGE 1 - The Federal Parliament today:

CHALLENGE 2 - The Queensland Parliament today:
Queensland is the only State in Australia with no upper house to act as a check on Government action. "With its single house of parliament, no bill of rights, and history of political malpractice, the state is extremely vulnerable to the misuse of power."
- Tony Fitzgerald SC, 29 Jan 2015CHANGE: As the 7th State, we will have our own Senators in the Federal Parliament, and our own State Parliament to check government action.
Read MoreWe Stand for better government & representation – not more!
As the 7th State, we will have our own Senators in the Federal Parliament, and our own State Parliament to check government action.
We stand for better government and representation – not more!
Local Governments are part of State Government. At present there is duplication - e.g. Local governments have departments of sport and recreation and so does the State Government! DUPLICATION.
In becoming a new State, the people of North Queensland will design the system of Government they want – decisions made closer to the people they affect, and better accountability!
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